Wednesday, March 28, 2018

How to Write a Limerick

A man once tried to write a limerick,
Herkimer spelled funny is Himerick,
He spit and he swore,
Could remember  no more,
About how to finish a limerick.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

My Back Yard #2

Had a very dirty lens, so I PhotoShopped the crap out of it.

Looking west, to the back corner of my 20 acre farm.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

S.R. Landing

Out for a walk and had to take a quick picture of this.

Copyright 2017 Stuart Purser, Stustock. All rights reserved

Monday, March 19, 2018

Saturday, March 17, 2018

One of my grown daughters said to me today, "Isn't it amazing how willing we are to stick our hand in a toilet we just used, if it is to retrieve our cellphone?"

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Dramatic Clouds

A relative from out of state says we have very clouds here in .

Accidental Beauty

This is a trick that my phone's camera does to me.  If I place my finger too close to the sensor, it takes what I call a "Simulated Infrared" photo.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Tuskaheeny Limerick

There once was a man from Tuskaheeny,
Who liked to drive a Lambourgini,
He bought a Winebago,
'Cause he found out how they go,
And since then, no one has seen he.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Close the Door, Richard !

My son told me his daughter likes to close the door. I said, "If we could bottle that and sell it, we'd make a bundle of money!" #TrueStory

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Idaho Winters

Posted March 3rd, 2018

: where tells how long will last beyond March 21st. Will it be 6 weeks or less this year?

Friday, March 2, 2018

After Six: Free Air

I saw this locally.  There's another in a SW suburb of Chicago, which says, "Free Air, Help Yourself."

What I don't understand: Is there a breathe freely, or pay for your oxygen police force that I have missed somewhere?

When I leave the area immediately near this sign, do I have to start paying for my air?

#literally  #writingprompts  #randomthoughts  @authorsandfriends

Twilight Thoughts

I often dream of falling:
Out of trees,
Off of swing sets,
And now to sleep.

My Back Yard

Copyright 2017, StuStock, All rights Reserved